global hype

global hype

some inconvieniant facts

Yes, there has been some warming in the past century or so, about 1 degree Fahrenheit. Before that, from about 1250 to 1850, we were in a cool period known as the Little Ice Age. Much of the recent warming actually occurred from about 1895 to 1940, with the biggest warming trend from about 1910 to 1935, well before the significant increase in fossil fuel use.
The year 1934 was actually the warmest year, with 1998 coming in second, and temperatures have declined slightly since then. Greenland reached its highest temperature in 1941 and has been cooling ever since. Temperatures have actually cooled slightly since 1998, very likely signaling another ice age similar to the Little Ice Age.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


On Wednesday, we launched an important petition to

"Stop Albert Gore
and Reject the UN's Global Warming Treaty."

Gore is re-energizing the
movement advocating Kyoto compliance -- the biggest UN power-grab in

I urge you to sign this petition now, please. We already have over
30,000 electronic signatures. We want to deliver 100,000 signatures to
the Senate by the time Al Gore reaches the podium at this Sunday's
Academy Awards.

It takes only 20 seconds to sign online, link to:

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